"Paradise Canal near Lee Bickmore's Farm"

"Paradise Canal near Lee Bickmore's Farm" , Watercolor
"Paradise Canal near Lee Bickmore's Farm"

Watercolor    12 x 9    $2,000.00   

Artist's Statement about this work
When Conrad was in high school, he worked for Fred Summers who leased Lee Bickmore's farm in the south east corner of town. Lee was born in Paradise in 1908, graduated from Utah State University and became the CEO of Nabisco Foods in New York City -- a noteworthy achievement for a kid born and raised in Paradise, Utah. When Conrad was bucking bales and moving sprinkler pipe just west of this canal and south of the farm, Fred used to talk to him about Lee's successes! It gave him a vision of what he might be able to achieve if he applied himself well. Recently, Conrad drove up around the old farm and canal, the canal hasn't changed much in 50 years, the farm buildings have either fallen down or are falling down. The 100 acre field that used to be sowed in alfalfa and field corn now hosts $800,000 to $1,000,000 homes ... after the tour, Conrad thought he'd paint the canal before it drastically changes, too!