"Dry Creek Crossing At Snow Canyon"

"Dry Creek Crossing At Snow Canyon", Watercolor
"Dry Creek Crossing At Snow Canyon"

Watercolor    9 x 12    $2,000.00   

Artist's Statement about this work
In the early spring, Conrad started this watercolor painting on location at Snow Canyon Utah about 3:00 pm in the afternoon in a sheltered spot about a third of the way into the park from the south entrance and just above where the dry creek bed crosses the main road through the park. The under drawing is lite charcoal pencil fixed with spray fixative. The weather was calm with big soft white clouds rolling in from east to west. With out a doubt, it was delightful at Snow Canyon and he painted to his hearts content! As the evening shadows started creeping in from the left and the temperature started dropping to uncomfortable, it was with reluctance that he gathered up his paints and stuff and headed back to the pickup and called it a day. From photo references he took on location, he finished this piece at his studio.